Mediation Services

Modern workplaces are complex and embrace people from diverse backgrounds who have different opinions, values and expectations. Add that to the growing need for employees to achieve more with less, and it's not surprising that workplace conflicts can arise. There are several ways that you can resolve conflict successfully – and one is mediation.

What Is Mediation?

Mediation is a way of managing conflict that uses an impartial person to help team members to resolve their disagreements. The intention is to ease workplace tensions before they escalate into something more damaging. It differs from disciplinary and grievance procedures by offering a more informal and flexible approach.

Why Choose Mediation

  • Mediation is less time-consuming and expensive than formal grievance solution
  • Mediation can reduce levels of stress for everyone involved
  • Mediation can increase morale level and decrease absenteeism level and staff turnover
  • Mediation enables managers to respond more quickly to conflict.
  • Mediation encourages staff to be open and honest, allowing them to really get to the heart of the issue.
  • Mediation improve staff chances of maintaining productive relationships and addressing problems once and for all.

The Mediation Process

Step one - Individual meetings

We meet with each participant separately to understand the conflict from their perspectives and ensure willingness to participate

Step Two - Join meeting

We explore the Issues together to encourage empathy with one another, and improve their understanding of one another's point of view

Step Three - Negotiate and Compromise

Shift parties’ attention from the past to the future. Brainstorm solutions and encourage win-win negotiation to make sure that they reach a solution that they're happy with.

Step Four - Create a Written Agreement

Once the participants have reached a solution, we draft a formal agreement that is easy to understand and that actions are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).

Step Five- Mediation Conclusion

We give the participants copies of the agreed statement, and clearly explain what will be expected from them once they're back in the workplace. Together we explore how to overcome obstacles to implementing the agreement, and to explore options for dealing with them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mediator’s role

Mediators act as a go-between and an enabler in a conversation between the people involved in the conflict. They help them to come to a mutually satisfactory agreement, and to avoid getting derailed or stuck in an argument. As mediator, we reserve our own judgment and guide people toward their own resolution, rather than suggesting or ruling on the outcome ourselves. However, we ensure a fair solution, guarding against the effects of any imbalance of power between the participants.

When to use mediation

Mediation can be used at any point during a conflict, as long as all of those involved agree to do so, and they put any ongoing formal procedures on hold. It is best if mediation is used when a disagreement first arises, as the longer a dispute goes on, the greater the chances that people's relationships will break down, or that they raise formal grievances. However, the process can help you to rebuild relationships after formal dispute procedures, too. Mediation can be used in disagreements between members of the same team, or between co-workers at different levels of seniority. It can be particularly useful when communication between people has broken down.

When not to use mediation

However, it is not always the most suitable course of action. Incidents of bullying and harassment, for example, can have dire consequences for those responsible, such as official warnings, dismissal, or even criminal proceedings, and the alleged victim can feel too vulnerable to participate fully. In these situations, you'll likely need to follow a more formal procedure, or you can use our Workplace Fairness Restoration

How many mediation sessions do we need ?

The number of sessions that are right for you is completely up to you. We work with your situation and your judgment on the number of sessions that you wish to attend. We allow our clients to tell us what is right for them and do our best to assist them through it.

How is a mediator different from a lawyer

A mediator’s primary role is to encourage open communication and help conflicting parties come to shared terms on disputes that are mutually beneficial for both parties. A lawyer or attorney’s role is to actively negotiate on behalf of one party. A mediator is an expert on conflict resolution whereas a lawyer can give legal advice.

What is the cost of Mediation

The range of mediation cost can be between 175 to 250 per hour